Our Work / Our Approach
Our goal is to create a shared sense of urgency among key actors – forging new alliances and collaboration to prevent disease though knowledge and action.
Uncommon Tables
Assemble global and local leaders, influencers, youth and organizations with deep insights into their own communities and coordinate their unique capabilities to convert proven NCD prevention knowledge into practice and real-world impact.
What are Uncommon Tables? Our BRIDGE solution is designed with the fundamental principle that all change is local. This means that local stakeholders are critical to the success of any major health initiative. The data, content and solutions brought forward must not only support local realities, but also require local participation and investment. Core to our strategy is to organize “Uncommon Tables” that bring together a diverse group of stakeholders as part of a co-design process where partners and stakeholders gain a shared understanding of the local youth health environment, identify their local health goals, and co-design solutions recommended from the What Works Clearinghouse.
Why Are They Important? Successful health interventions – for both individuals and communities – have the best chance of long-term impact when the people affected are “at the table” where decisions are made. Too often, important voices and ideas of the very people targeted for benefit are missing from the discussion. This is especially true in the case of young people. Our approach is to enlist the involvement of young people in the Uncommon Tables as “problem solvers” not as the “problem to be solved.”
What is the Mandate of an Uncommon Table? There may be one or several Uncommon Tables in a site, each with its own specific area of focus and mandate, including for example: Identifying the local health gaps and goals based on our Youth Health Data Insights Map; Determining the priority solutions from our What Works Clearinghouse; Identifying and engaging local partners; Mobilizing a local outreach strategy and enlisting key champions.
Who Participates in Uncommon Tables? Every local community will have its own unique array of stakeholders and champions. We’re looking for local influencers – including people who don’t hold a formal position of authority, but their voice and opinions are listened to and trusted by many. We seek participation of people who seldom sit together – rarely crossing paths. One good measure of an “uncommon” table will be the inclusion of respected and trusted leaders from all three key sectors: Public, Volunteer/non-Profit, and Private/Business.
What’s the Process for Establishing Uncommon Tables? Prior to establishing one or more local Uncommon Tables a series of individual conversations would be held with selected leaders who are trusted and informed sources of knowledge about the local landscape, challenges and opportunities. In this process we can test our assumptions, refine our ideas, enlist support, and avoid potential missteps. We will also develop a short list of potential candidates to participate in an Uncommon Table.